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E.U. Enlargement

Enlargement is a historic opportunity for the European Union at the beginning of the 21st century. It is a unique, historic task to further the integration of the continent by peaceful means, extending a zone of stability and prosperity to new members.
After the accession of Bulgaria and Romania  on January 1st 2007, the main challenge is  the integration of Turkey and of the Western Balkans contries within the EU. More than ever, the most difficult part will be on the side of the candidate countries; the accession countries are expected to adapt their legislation, economic system, administration, as well as political culture to according to the standards set up by the European Union. This formidable task is accompanied by the European institutions through various funds and assistance tools. A wide range of these instruments require the assistance of external experts in various fields, which need to ensure the know-how transfer and provide technical assistance and advise to the candidate countries to harmonise its structures with the structures of member states. 

Learn more about pre-accession programs
Learn more about candidate countries

Our sectors of expertise

Given the wide range of impact the EU-accession is to have on the applicant countries, assistance is required in an equally wide range of sectors. Since its creation, Eurome has focused its activities and dedicated its resources to a large extend to this historic task of the unification of Europe. Our efforts encompass various projects such as:
· advice to governments in EU accession impact assessment and accession negotiations
· advice to the European institutions on the strategies regarding EU candidate countries
· training of governmental staff and public sector in EU affairs,
· adjustment of administrative structures to enable the transposition of EU legislation into national legislations implemented effectively through appropriate administrative and judicial structures.
· design and implementation of information activities related to the accession strategies,
· assistance in the drafting of legislation in compliance with the EU legislation

Within this framework, Euromed has established a regional representation in Turkey,   coordinating the projects currently implemented by Euromed in this country. A second regional representation is envisaged to be established in Serbia within 2008.